Appreciating yourself is your first step to success
My girlfriend hates it when I sit on the laptop for too long so I had to wait for her to go to bed for me to write this article. It is my usual behavior that at the beginning of the year to put out my thoughts either in a blog or in a live video on one of my social media platforms but unfortunately i am doing this on the 10th day of 2020. I am a bit shocked that I let this happen but I am also happy that I found the energy to do this late in the night when the whole world around me was so quiet and the only sound heard was that of birds. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about 2020 is the fact that its 10 years since I started practicing my passion in 2009 of writing stories to market products. You may ask yourself how come I found this passion and picked it on and my answer will shock many of you, I am very passionate about letting others know about the stuff that I know and the best way to do that is to tell the story the way I cherish best to win attenti...