10 Secrets of Highly Successful Crowdfunding Campaigns.
As crowd funding makes gains in popularity, the battle for page views and pledges has become increasingly competitive, especially on portal sites that feature thousands of live projects at once. This clearly means that the competition is very stiff and hence understanding the best ways to create winning a campaign is very instrumental. The good news is that we now have locally built platforms that people can use to raise funds. One of such platforms is the Akabbo Crowdfunding Platform. So how do you ensure that you have optimized your campaign for success? We have taken a look at a number of recently funded projects on various crowd funding platforms in order to identify some of the techniques, strategies, and crowd funding secrets that will give you the best chance of meeting your goals. 1. Prepare Your Face Off. You can use crowd funding to help validate ideas before they are fully realized, but if your campaig...