Why the case of Ham Enterprises Vs Diamond Trust Bank Must Be a Concern to The Wider Business Community in Uganda.
By Mwebya Fred CEO of Ham Enterprises Uganda Limited All over the world countries grow and develop as a result of how strong and respected their systems and structures are. There is no doubt that fundamental growth and development depends on the prevailing economic, political and legal structures of a given nation or community. Unfortunately in many African communities little attention is paid to the proper set up of systems, structures and their functionality in achieving the desired level of growth and development. There are three major categories of people we have in communities today; the politicians/leaders, entrepreneurs/business people and the craftsman/workers. The success of all these mentioned categories depends on how effective and real systems of a given community or nation are. In this missive I am going to focus on the factors that hinder the actual realization of economic development based on real impact of systems to the people in our community today. ...