How to be the Best Damn Press Release Writer in the Business

By Mind Leaders Uganda Staff
I consider myself to be a bit of a champion press release writer. I can churn them out at the rate of knots without ever compromising on quality. Creating an effective press release is surprisingly simple. Just follow these five steps:

1.) Find the angle
Usually this isn’t obvious so you need to use all of your detective skills to unearth why the reader should care about the subject. A reader doesn’t care if a company has a new product out, but they will care if that product is rumored to be popular with, oh I don’t know, a member of the royal family (for instance).

2.) Incorporate your angle into a catchy title
It needs to be edgy yet factual and, unlike with blog posts, it doesn’t matter if it runs over to a couple of lines.

 3.) Write an opening paragraph that includes all the important facts
As a test, check that if the client or publication were to cut everything that follows your opening paragraph, it would still include all of the story’s most important facts.

 4.) Support your angle using a second and possibly third paragraph
Use this space to expand on your story and add more information about the company and their motives. Use quotes to liven up the article.

5.) Conclude with facts and details
Provide a fact about the company in context and tell the reader where they can get hold of their products or services, i.e. ‘Hotel Serena is one of the best hotels in the region and with the construction of a golf course by the lake, Lake Victoria Serena Resort  found in Kingo, Lweza is the place to be this Season.

If you always remember to write in the third person and apply the above tips to every press release you write, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a superstar press release writer in no time.


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