Creating a Successful Social Media Content Strategy.

A successful Social Media content strategy takes into account the distinct characteristics of the target audience like; Who is it you would like to reach, what are their interests and needs, what content they would valuable.

Use content to add value for your audience. This way, you build trust and position yourself as a reliable source of information. Do not forget,the first question your audience will ask themselves before they go on and share your content is “what’s in it for me?”

In other words the greater your value proposition the more likely your content is to get shared. Valuable content is content that is useful, informational, educational and of course entertaining.

How to make your Social Media Page Interactive.

News - Posts that are timely, newsworthy and create a sort of urgency by containing the word “Breaking” get the most shares. Extra tip: form your posts as a headline.

Images - research has shown that posts with images are 94% more likely to get stronger engagement.

Facts and figures - Data in the form of facts on a certain issue is simply information that is easier to digest in fewer characters and ultimately share with your followers.

Shorter Posts - Posts that contain 100 to 250 characters are more likely to be shared.
Tips and guides - The more useful the information the more eager people are to share it with their followers.

Humorous Posts - Funny, witty posts are more easily shared and it’s a great way for brands to diversify their content and add a lighter tone in their content sharing.

Calls to action - Posts that contain the phrase “please retweet or share” are in fact shared the most.
By Mwebya Fred


  1. Thank you Shalini,
    I am looking forward to learning more from your platform in India and also sharing ideas and experiences


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