20 Special Notes to Self #HappyBirthDayUgaman
It’s always a special moment to celebrate the day you were born but its most important to find out the reason why. Today 28 th March marks a special moment as I close the gap in my late twenties. I am glad that I have been able to learn and find out the things that I passionately care about, in fact I have even invested in some of my passions which means my twenties have not gone to a waste. Here are 20 things I would advise everyone to check out; THREAD: A Note to Self on this Special Day. #HappyBirthdayUgaman 1. The biggest asset you have got in your twenties is Self Awareness. 2. You have not been so successful at relationships but its ok, invest more time and make time for everything. 3. Life will hit you hard at times but you must make sure that the last thing to do is Giving Up. 4. Spend (at least) 1 weekend /month away from others, working on a form of art (with no expectation of economic gain) 5. Sell your TV ...