20 Special Notes to Self #HappyBirthDayUgaman

It’s always a special moment to celebrate the day you were born but its most important to find out the reason why. Today 28th March marks a special moment as I close the gap in my late twenties. I am glad that I have been able to learn and find out the things that I passionately care about, in fact I have even invested in some of my passions which means my twenties have not gone to a waste. Here are 20 things I would advise everyone to check out;
THREAD: A  Note to Self on this Special Day. #HappyBirthdayUgaman
1. The biggest asset you have got in your twenties is Self Awareness.
2. You have not been so successful at relationships but its ok, invest more time and make time for everything.
3. Life will hit you hard at times but you must make sure that the last thing to do is Giving Up.
4. Spend (at least) 1 weekend /month away from others, working on a form of art (with no expectation of economic gain)
5. Sell your TV (and cut your cable) ,You are not missing a thing on TV and can catch up later.
6. Spend an hour each day contributing to the industry that is in line with your passions.
7. Read at least one book a month, preferably non-fiction. Learn about new fields you have no exposure to.
8. Grow up: accept not everything you were told or taught is true. Don’t cling to falsehoods or fairy tales.
9. Hustle and work hard every day but most importantly do not forget to Pray.
10. Never pray or quietly hope for something to happen, make it happen. Faith without action is futile.
11. Write a blog. The metacognitive exercise of blogging is powerful. A bit like going to the gym for your brain.
12. Be remarkable at work, dress however you want. “Dressing for success” is bullshit, be comfortable.
13. Sell your car, move to a city that’s not your hometown on foot or bicycle, its more social.
14. Seek out a mentor (and be one) . Find someone in your industry willing to share their experiences with.
15. Speaking of change …love it, live it, embrace it. Fearing something that’s constant is illogical.
16. Make peace with your mortality, live a good & virtuous life,being true to your nature and helping others around you.
17. Make moves career-wise. Certainly do not burn bridges, be sure you’ve made impact at any company you’ve been at.
18. Never look back in regret — move on to the next thing.
19. Embrace failure. Every time you fail, you learn something and you are better prepared for the next move in life
I know what you’re thinking: “hey, this was only 19 pieces of advice!” That’s on purpose. The 20th is open to you, feel free to leave it as a comment — I’m curious to hear what you would add.




  1. 20. In everything you do, try to leave an impact. Make a difference. Strive to go beyond expectations. That's the only way people will remember you.

  2. Thank You so much Kennedy, I really appreciate our friendship and the kind advice. May God bless You.


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