The Art of #Storytelling in Marketing on Social Media.

By Mwebya Fred ; @Ugaman01  Whether it's Hieroglyphics, Cave dwellings, Fireside chats or Ghost stories at a campsite that scared you so much you were afraid to go to sleep. Telling stories is one of the most fundamental ways in which we communicate with each other, and while the mediums through which we do this are changing, the concept remains the same.

In fact the changing times of technology have even made storytelling much simpler than ever before, the internet is a great asset. With platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogger and WordPress, your ability to tell your story is simpler today than it was 20 years ago.
Something happens in our heads, in our brains, when we hear stories. Think about it – how much do you retain, when sitting in a classroom, or watching someone show you a PowerPoint presentation? Now think about how much you retain when your best friend tells you a story about something that recently happened?

When we are being shown facts and figures, certain areas of our brain take in that information, but when we are being taught something through a story; our brain automatically puts more of ourselves into that story. More of our neurons are activated when content is delivered in story-form, and the more emotion we hear in the person’s voice or writing as they are telling us that story, the more we relate to those feelings we end up developing deeper connections. This is very true for every story told whether it’s a start up story or a corporate CSR campaign story.
There is a unique feeling that stories carry and every time a story is told more people learn something new. The moment the story teller shows a deeper sense of attachment to their story, rest assured the listeners will almost put the same level of attention to such a story. This is so true when it comes to historical stories that are usually told by tour guides in different countries. Imagine taking a walk in a thick forest with a tour guide who points at a given spot and narrates “That was the most dangerous spot in this forest during the 1980’s”. I am so sure your brain will immediately run back to 1980’s and then you will somehow start to imagine something out of that story.
Stories put our brains to work. If I were to say: "I ate a steak yesterday", that doesn’t bring up much in your brain, right? But what if I were to tell you; “I ate a steak yesterday. It was medium-rare, a little pink in the center, and it had just come off the BBQ grill, so it was still juicy and little drippings were sliding off the plate as I was setting it down on the table.” Without even thinking about it, I will bet your brain gave you a mental picture of that steak, right? Maybe you could even taste it or smell it, remembering the last really great steak you enjoyed.
How can we use Storytelling to our advantage?

If you want to get someone’s attention, or present a case to them during a business presentation, you need to personalize the information. You need to create an emotional connection between the information you want to get across and the person you are telling the information to.

Storytelling is one of the most powerful ways to make your brand come alive in the minds of both your current consumers, and the consumers you are trying to reach. If you can give your products and services a story that people can relate to, you are then able to take your target audience on a journey with you. In order for people to form a personal connection with your brand, and recognize all the ways it seamlessly fits into their everyday lives, your stories must be honest, inspirational and connect on a real level.
As you are looking to begin telling your brands story, you need to first establish your brand voice in an inviting way - you can then begin to show people who you are, what you stand for as a brand, and how your stories fit relate to those of your audience.

Marketers that are able to tap into their audiences emotions are the ones that will best establish long-term brand loyalty. 

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