Winning Social Media tips for applicants

Ten years ago, 1.7 % of Ugandans were seen as Internet users. This number increased tremendously to around 23% and is still on the rise. Consequently the Internet has changed many parts of life here in Uganda. Also recruiting is changing, from hand-delivering application documents to online recruiting.

Several job platforms, like , facilitate these services for recruiters and applicants. . According to a 2014 survey conducted by the Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) more than 63% of youth in Uganda lack employability skills, technical know-how and basic work-related capabilities. Tills this date no one has investigated in Uganda how many people have an appropriate social media presence. One could ask, where the connection between social media and recruiting lies. It’s simple.

Recruiters do online checks. As easy it is for you to send a tweed or upload last weekend’s party pictures on Facebook, recruiters can google you. Numbers are varying, how many recruiters are doing this. Recent figures from Jobvite, a recruiting software company, state that 52 % of recruiters always check social media posts during hiring. 55 % have reconsidered new hires based on the social activity. Far more terrifying are the 61 % of which result in negative outcomes for the applicant.

But what to do as an applicant to avoid the trap of social media? It’s easy – follow this tips to increase your job opportunities:

1.Google yourself. Can you be found when typing in your name? What do people find? Make your judgements based on common sense – would you hire anyone who has your results?
2.Imagine the interview – would you discuss anything you found online? If not, try to get rid of it.
3.Check your profiles on social media channels. For recruiters LinkedIn is the favorite tool to check (92%), Facebook second (66%) and Twitter third most important (52%). These profiles are your business card online and give a first impression of your person. Are you using your entire clear name? Invented names might exclude you from the shortlist or would you employ partygirl21? Have you given all information relevant? Especially your LinkedIn profile should give a good impression of your experience, abilities and your network.
4.Clear your content. There are some things recruiters in general do not like. So clear all posts that might contain illegal drug references or sexual posts. Also abusive use of alcohol is not considered as good skill. But recruiters are also checking posts for poor spelling and grammar. So check that, especially when you are applying for a white collar job. 

5.Be active in Job related groups. You are interested in a Finance position? So check out social networks for related groups. Be an active member and also start topics to discuss – but watch your spelling and grammar. 
6.Use your social media regularly. You don’t to give the impression you are only existing on the paper, but you are active. 
7.Show yourself. Choose appropriate profile pictures. Especially on LinkedIn you should look serious and professional. 
8.Check your privacy settings. It is totally fine to make social media other than LinkedIn private. This might minimize the likelihood of a recruiter to find information about you – but it is not eliminated yet. 
9.Exercise Caution with every post – do you reckon any recruiter would appreciate your post? 
Visit today to open up your doors to enormous employment opportunities. 

Andreas Schühly 
Twitter @everjobsUG



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