Social Media Personality of the Month of March 2015 - Sean Gardner

 We are glad to present to you our Social Media Personality of the Month of March. Sean Gardner is Forbes #1 Social Media Power Influencer, Keynote Speaker, Best-Selling Author of "The Road to Social Media Success"

25 Powerful Ways to Connect with People Online: By  Sean Gardner


1. Give Thanks - I have always believed that gratitude should be the #1 social media best practice. "Thank you" has to be a part of the equation.

2.Make an Introduction - When you can bring people together to move the world forward or elevate a particular conversation, do it. Humanity will be better for it.

3. Practice "Digital Listening" - This is simply the process of monitoring digital media channels. When you listen and observe, you will know how to proceed.

4. Ask for Help - No one knows everything. So when you reach out for assistance, you are laying the foundation for a strong connection. Indeed, everyone you meet has something to teach you.

5. Be a Problem Solver - One of the ways to be a billionaire in the 21st Century is to simplify a problem for lots of people. Being respected in the online space requires the same focus. Problem solvers rock!

6. Think Beyond Your Borders - When you travel the world, you easily see that its bigger than what is happening on one city block or one continent. We should all act locally and think globally.

7. Join Online Communities - From Facebook, to LinkedIn, to Google+ and beyond, its about seeking out groups that will help you soar. They exist. Find the ones that suit your ambitions.

8. Create Social Media Events - Small gatherings and big conferences based on social media are the rage, and will continue to surge as people look for ways to connect with online friends in real life. As I always say, "Meeting people face to face is very important. Social media should never be a replacement for real life connection."
9. Use "Empowering Language" - Tone is very important when you are relationship-building, and words like "collaborate", "inspire", "we', "us" and "our" always seem to get it right.

10. Comment on a Person's Blogpost - Like a blogger's analysis or perspective on an article? Let them know. Our words have a lot power.

11. Pay a Sincere Compliment - We all give compliments, but when we are genuine, they have a greater impact.

12. Make Image Quotes for Your Supporters - Struggling to find a way to reciprocate the kindness of your online supporters, or, to get the attention of someone you admire in the social space? Create image quotes using their own words, and then post them. Very effective! I think its a great approach for business as well.

13. Build Coalitions Beyond "Follower Count" - We should never let the number of someone's social media followers, friends and connections get in the way. Don't miss out on a life-changing opportunity because you curiously link '500 Twitter followers' with the phrase "not influential". Numbers don't tell the whole story.
14. Believe You Have Something to Offer - The old saying, "it starts with us" is true: Believe in your idea. Test your idea. Fail. Fail again. Learn from your mistakes, and then impact billions of lives for the better.

15. Network Outside of Your Field - Getting to know people outside of your profession is growth! A scientist might be a supporter of targeted philanthropy and a philanthropist might be a big supporter of science in schools. These two people should know each other, right? Yes. Someone outside of your circle just may give you the support you need.
16. Collaborate on a Project - A lot of our best work comes when we join forces with others. An extra pair of eyes or another creative presence might be what it takes to give your new project that "WOW factor".

17. Find Common Ground - We should celebrate the things that make us stand out as well as those that bring us together. What we have in common can be the starting point for historic agreements and lasting achievements. So tap into it.
18. Be a Go-Giver - Service and philanthropy are not only good for a business' bottom line and customer relations, but they're also good for an individual's spirit. There is so much power in giving. It finds its way back to you, in one way of another. I highly recommend Bob Burg and John D. Mann's The Go-Giver: A Little Story about a Powerful Business Idea.

19. Make Happiness a Habit - Yes, it is true, happiness makes the brain work better, and, makes us 12% more productive. It also draws people towards us. So, be as happily magnetic as you want to be!
20. Add Video to the Mix - Video has been been an important aspect of social for years, but it is now a staple. It can take your engagement strategy to the next level.

21. Barter - Need a new website design, or a banner for your social media headers, but don't have the money? Reach out to someone who can do it, and give them something of equal value in return.
22. Tell a Great Brand Story - Whether a big brand or one's personal brand, we all have a story: where it all stared, what our purpose is, where we are going, what inspires us, and so on. It is a brand story, and we should tell it: authentically, passionately, and consistently. People love a good story.
23. Do a Google Hangout or Skype - These are popular communication tools that can give you some much needed face time.
24. Be Happy for Others' Success - Congratulate people! It takes nothing away from you and what you are ultimately striving for.

25. Be the Example - When you can walk the walk the way you talk the talk, you develop a sterling reputation. And your reputation is your currency. Get rich!

Find Out more about Sean Gardner here 


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